Welcome to the best goddamned 3DMM archive site out there!

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News Bulletin:

UPDATES: Added a bunch of new web buttons, and I'm working on my site in general. I should have the big part of my collection all ready and done in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!

3D Bomberman (1998) by John Lercari 3DMMTV ID: 1mjo
A very old 3DMM movie about a scientist making a robotic lifeform named Bomberman.

A 3DMM Christmas Carol (2002)by Mike Belfance and Justin Wawroznek 3DMMTV ID: 1
A 3DMM comedy-esque adaptation of Charles Dickens' classic tale.

Aaarnishoz (2001)by Ben Wheele 3DMMTV ID: 1mjp
Ben Wheele's classic 3DMM film, Aaarnishoz, is sure to impress many. This film, while hated by Andres, still has some great visual effects and voice acting. Highly recommended.

Aaarnishoz 2 (2004)by Ben Wheele 3DMMTV ID: 1mlf
The first Aaarnishoz was great, and the second one is even better. Sadly, Ben never finished this. The first half is fully complete, but the latter half has little to no sound. Despite all that, go and give this a watch.

Aliens From Space (1998)by Tim Ellis 3DMMTV ID: 1
This film TRIES to be bad, but even then it's still not very good on its own. It's another very old film, but I don't really like it nonetheless.

A Very Larry Christmas (2020)by Old Rivers 3DMMTV ID: 1mkk
Our favourite Idaho senator goes to an airport bathroom!!

Baby Faces (2020)by Bill Nickson 3DMMTV ID: 1mki
An evil clan of babies swap peoples heads with BABY FACES! One of Bill's most recent works.

Baetus Universe (1999)by Blake Walker 3DMMTV ID: 1mml
A flawed, but otherwise good movie about space adventures. The animation is choppy, but the scenery is pretty acceptable.

Baetus Universe 2000 (2000)by Blake Walker 3DMMTV ID: 1mjz
A remake of the aforementioned film, Baetus Universe.

Cat Bones (2021)by Bill Nickson 3DMMTV ID: 1mkj
A fun and humourous story about a cat who gets his bones stolen. Why does he need bones? Shut the fuck up and watch the movie, asshat.

Ding Dong and Dum Dum (2003)by Tuna Hematoma 3DMMTV ID: 1mlk
A movie about Doraemon challenging his friend to an illegal street race or something.
The story is pretty silly and the main plot is weirdly perverted for some reason.

I Know Compilations 1-10 (1999-2001)by Will Maltby 3DMMTV ID: 1
I like these. Basically, the plot of each one is that they're just pointless compilations of
Gustave going "BLBBBLBBLLBLB" while he dies in random ways.

EMPTY LISTING! by Whoever Made This Film!
This is a blank listing. If you want YOUR film to be put in this space, send your movie to 3dmmdungeon@tazzy.ca!

EMPTY LISTING! by Whoever Made This Film!
This is a blank listing. If you want YOUR film to be put in this space, send your movie to 3dmmdungeon@tazzy.ca!

EMPTY LISTING! by Whoever Made This Film!
This is a blank listing. If you want YOUR film to be put in this space, send your movie to 3dmmdungeon@tazzy.ca!

EMPTY LISTING! by Whoever Made This Film!
This is a blank listing. If you want YOUR film to be put in this space, send your movie to 3dmmdungeon@tazzy.ca!

EMPTY LISTING! by Whoever Made This Film!
This is a blank listing. If you want YOUR film to be put in this space, send your movie to 3dmmdungeon@tazzy.ca!

EMPTY LISTING! by Whoever Made This Film!
This is a blank listing. If you want YOUR film to be put in this space, send your movie to 3dmmdungeon@tazzy.ca!

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